Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I crossed the border into Canada yesterday (Monday) at Port Huron, MI. The crossing was easier than I had imagined. I showed my passport, was asked where I was headed and how long I planned to be there and that was it! What a relief! That was my first visit ever to Michigan and, of course, the first time for my Roadtrek. I have a map on the side of my Roadtrek and my rule is if the RT passes through the State I can add the sticker. I've been known to go out of my way just to be able to place a sticker on the map! I have now been to every state except Alaska and once my Roadtrek goes through the New England States, it will have visited most of them, too. Not bad for traveling through all those States in the past seven years!
I am staying in a nice campground near London, Ontario which is about 75 miles from my next destination - the Rally in Fergus, ON that starts tomorrow. Once I crossed the border I "assumed" there would be a Welcome Center where I could get some info on Canada and exchange some money into Canadian money. Wrong again! There was a small building with very little parking and I thought there would be something further along the way. I didn't have to go anywhere today and thought I would just relax and get caught up on my blog, emails, and other computer things. I had a leisurely morning and then went up to the bath house to take a shower. Did I mention that - once again- the staff at the campground office was less than helpful? They didn't give me any brochures, I don't know where to put my trash - and they FORGOT to tell me that the shower takes Canadian money! You need a Loonie (a $1 coin) and, of course, I only had U.S. money. So I came back to the RT - had a sponge bath and luckily my hair didn't look too bad so I didn't wash it. I decided it was important to find a bank and get some Loonies so I can take a shower in the morning. While I was out, I figure it would be a good time to get my nails done. My GPS was very effective in finding a bank in a nice town called Ingersoll, and I strolled through some of the unique shops and had a nice lunch at a little coffee shop. My GPS also led me to a nail shop in Woodstock, another nice town a little further north. I don't know if these two towns have Malls, but the downtown areas were large and seemed to be thriving. The countryside reminds me of the Midwest with farms and crops of all kinds. I even encountered a horse drawn hay wagon with Amish! I wonder if they followed me from Ohio!
I'm coping with kilometers instead of miles per hour, and I think I've figured out that gas averages about $3.65 per gallon! Yikes! The temps are in celsius, too, and it's odd to hear them say that the average temp for this time of year is 23!
Tomorrow I am off to my other Rally and thankfully it won't be a long trip. This is a Chapter Rally and will have close to 300 attendees. Roadtrek is a chapter under the Family Motor Coach Association and we are required to have two rallies a year. We will be visiting the factory in Kitchener, ON where the Roadtreks are made and many other interesting events are planned. I understand we will have limited computer access during the a.m. only so I may not be able to finish this blog until I leave the Rally.

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