Monday, August 17, 2009


This day was mostly set aside for seminars, meetings and question and answer sessions. I am the primary Vice President for Region 1 which consists of NC, SC, GA, AL, MS, VA, TN, and KY. The organization is divided into nine regions and each region has two Vice Presidents. There were 28 of us from Region 1 and I presided over a short meeting in the morning. There was a Seminar for Women only that I have previously attended, so I skipped that and the technical seminars as well. I feel that I've learned as much about my Roadtrek in the past 8 years that I can personally handle and will leave the rest up to the experts!

I did attend a presentation in the afternoon which was a lighthearted historical review of the Fergus area but it wasn't very interesting and I left early.

Dinner was again catered and we had a delicious casserole of pasta, chicken and pesto, rolls, salad and coconut cream or chocolate pie. We were entertained after dinner by the Grand Celtic Pipe Band and a display of highland dancing by four young ladies. The youngest bagpiper in the Band looked to be about 6 years old and we were told he has only been playing for a year. They had just returned from participating in the Highland Games and were very entertaining!

We had a huge campfire afterwards in an open field, and there must have been at least 100 people who attended. We brought our chairs and were entertained by two of our members who played the accordion and flute and we sang along to some old familiar songs. It was a chilly night and it was after 10 p.m. by the time I left. Perfect ending to a nice day.

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